On Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 10:19:35AM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:
> I have always disliked the reliance on include, because errors detected
> during parse are poorly handled.  Garbage format in the file will adjust
> the global scope and the parser is clueless to cope well.
Can you elaborate on this?

        $ cat a.in
        # invalid inside anchors
        set optimization aggressive
        # error

With `include', errors in included files are detected after the line is
finished and *all* errors are reported with their correct line numbers:

        $ cat include.conf
        anchor a {
                include a.in

        $ pfctl -vnf include.conf
        a.in:3: syntax error
        a.in:5: syntax error
        include.conf:3: syntax error

While with `load anchor' it parses everything, prints the offending
line with an off-by-one but stops after the first error, which means
I need to reparse again to find the other:

        $ cat load.conf
        anchor a
        load anchor a from a.in

        $ pfctl -vnf load.conf
        anchor "a" all
        block drop all

        Loading anchor a from a.in
        set optimization aggressive
        a.in:4: syntax error
        pfctl: load anchors

Personally, I prefer the terse format of the former. We can still
improve error messages to distinguish between invalid syntax like
setting global options inside anchors and, actual synta errors, etc.

> An implicit load directive of a specifically formatted file can be made
> far more robust.
How is the file specifically formatted? Or would you prefer more
specific formats for different type of load/include directives?

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