I just committed a change to move the virtio network interfaces before disks
in the PCI device ordering in vmd(8). This is to fix some strangeness in how
Linux assigns device numbers (based on the PCI slot number).

On some Linux guests, you'll get a virtio network interface named enp0s3
(for example), indicating the interface is in PCI slot 3. But that slot number
was subject to the number of disks on the machine, since those were added

If you used a disk image to install your guest, you'd have two disk devices
present, and your network interface would be enp0s3. During install, that name
would be written to network autoconfiguration files/scripts.

When you detach the install media, that means you have one less disk, and thus
the network interface shifts up by one, becoming enp0s2, likely breaking your
network autoconfiguration.

People familiar with this behaviour easily fixed it. But it's bizarre and
unexpected, and rather than reply to continual bug reports, I found it easier
to just reorder things.

This means if you have Linux guests in vmm/vmd, you'll need to make a one time
change to fixup the interface name, as it likely changed.

Note, not all Linux distributions do this. If your interface name is just
"eth0", you're likely fine.


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