On 2019/02/13 16:41, Oleg Pahl wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use 6.4 Release.
> I install fm on my laptop from http://firmware.openbsd.org/firmware/6.4/
> This URL i found in man page FW_UPDATE(1)
> You can see that ( index.txt ) has one file more then as on server!
> ---
> From index.txt:
> -rw-r--r--  1 0  0     1707 Oct 16 22:41:37 2018 SHA256
> ---
> This file I need to check that NSA don't ...

The firmware packages are signed. fw_update downloads and verifies
signatures under restricted privileges, and (just like pkg_add with
binary packages) it doesn't proceed to decompress or parse the files
unless the signature is valid.

There is also a signed SHA256.sig file if you want to check signatures.
If you don't trust tgz files on a server, you can't trust an unsigned
SHA256 file either.

> Please explain me why this file is absent on -> firmware.openbsd.org

SHA256 actually is present, but is not included in index.html due to
how the index and SHA256 files are updated.

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