
This issue has been reported by one of our customers.

consider pf.conf comes with rules as follows:

    anchor {
            pass all
            anchor {
                    block all

We load pf.conf to kernel and (pfctl -f pf.conf) and display what got loaded:

    lumpy# ./pfctl -f /tmp/pf.conf
    lumpy# ./pfctl -sr
    anchor all {
      pass all flags S/SA
      anchor all {
        block drop all

so far so good. Now let's flush the rules from kernel:

    lumpy# ./pfctl -Fr
    rules cleared
    lumpy# ./pfctl -sr

However the underscore anchors are still there:

    lumpy# ./pfctl -vsA

I could not figure out any existing way to remove them, hence I'm proposing
small patch, which allows me to remove those 'underscore' anchors by doing

    lumpy# ./pfctl -a _1/_2 -Fr
    rules cleared
    lumpy# ./pfctl -a _1 -Fr
    rules cleared
    lumpy# ./pfctl -vsA

Does patch below make sense? Or are there some pitfalls I'm not aware of?

thanks and

--- a/sbin/pfctl/pfctl.c
+++ b/sbin/pfctl/pfctl.c
@@ -2445,7 +2445,16 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                        warnx("anchors apply to -f, -F, -s, and -T only");
+               /*
+                * we want enable administrator to flush anonymous anchors,
+                * thus '_' should be allowed for '-Fr' only.  Also make sure
+                * we fail in case of option combination as follows:
+                *      pfctl -a _1 -Fr -f /some/rules.conf
+                */
                if (mode == O_RDWR && tblcmdopt == NULL &&
+                   (clearopt == NULL || *clearopt != 'r' ||
+                   rulesopt != NULL) &&
                    (anchoropt[0] == '_' || strstr(anchoropt, "/_") != NULL))
                        errx(1, "anchor names beginning with '_' cannot "
                            "be modified from the command line");

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