Hi Stuart,

On Mon, May 20, 2019 at 12:14:56PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
| On 2019/05/20 10:46, Paul de Weerd wrote:
| > However, library_aslr delays the boot sequence (because libraries must
| > be completed before the system can boot up) while kernel_aslr does not
| > - it only introduces a bit of extra load on your machine.
| That depends if reorder_kernel can run without killing the machine,
| it doesn't do very well on my alixes.

Fair point - for such machines the suggestion from my previous mail to
put the "wrong" hash in /var/db/kernel.SHA256 may help, as alixes tend
to not be super fast and have slow storage.

However, the one alix I still run in production personally doesn't
have too much of an issue with the reorder_kernel run.

Reminds me that I should find some bigger CF to stick in there; 2GB
really doesn't cut it anymore these days.




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