On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 05:03:02PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote:

> The ntpd options -s and -S are going to be removed soon and at startup
> with print:
>     -s option no longer works and will be removed soon.
>     Please reconfigure to use constraints or trusted servers.
> Probably after 6.7 we'll delete the warning.  Maybe for 6.8 we'll remove
> -s and -S from getopt, and starting with those options will fail.
> Effective immediately, the -s option stops doing what you expect.  It now
> does nothing.
> Big improvements have happened in ntpd recently.  At startup, ntpd
> aggressively tries to learn from NTP packets validated by constraints,
> and set the time.
> That means a smarter variation of -s is the default, but the information
> is now *VALIDATED* by constraints.
> 2 additional constraints have been added.  If you have upgraded, please
> review /etc/examples/ntpd.conf for modern use
> Those who cannot use https constraints, can instead tag server lines
> with the keyword "trusted", which means you believe MITM attacks are not
> possible on the network to those specific NTP servers.  Do this only on
> servers directly connected over trusted network.  If someone does
> "servers pool.ntp.org trusted", we're going to have a great laugh.
> We're creating something a bit complex, but our goal is for every
> machine to have a close approximation of correct time.  If we get
> there, some good things will happen.  Some serious cargo-culting
> for using -s has gotten in the way (-s performs no MITM checks).

So if you are running current do the following. Likely you can stop
after step 2.

1. remove -s from ntpd_flags

2. check if the default ntpd.config works for you; it most lilely will,
   *including setting the time on boot*. 

3. if you cannot use constraints because https to the world is not possible,
   consider running ntpd on your local net and use that as a peer marked as
   trusted or if availabel use a sensor marked as trusted.

4. Still having problems? Report so we can look at you use-case and
   find a solution.


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