cheloha@ recently replaced custom TAILQ concatenation loops in pool(9)
with TAILQ_CONCAT(3) [0]. I was curious as how often these custom
concatenations loops are used and grepped src. I found a couple of them.
One being in sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c, and the others in userland.

I build a kernel using the diff below and gave it a spin. So far it
didn't blow up.

I was wondering if it makes sense to address these custom concatenations
and provide diffs, or is this considered nitpicking?


diff --git sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c
index 2f2a2edc224..d0fd3a15278 100644
--- sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c
+++ sys/ufs/ffs/ffs_softdep.c
@@ -4486,10 +4486,7 @@ merge_inode_lists(struct inodedep *inodedep)
                newadp = TAILQ_FIRST(&inodedep->id_newinoupdt);
-       while ((newadp = TAILQ_FIRST(&inodedep->id_newinoupdt)) != NULL) {
-               TAILQ_REMOVE(&inodedep->id_newinoupdt, newadp, ad_next);
-               TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&inodedep->id_inoupdt, newadp, ad_next);
-       }
+       TAILQ_CONCAT(&inodedep->id_inoupdt, &inodedep->id_newinoupdt, ad_next);

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