More on this:

> However, I'm not sure if the current options -B, -c, -j and -o are that
> great. Maybe something like "-o <bird1|bird2|csv|json|openbgpd>" would be
> more powerful and more flexible?

btw, in almost all other commmands -o (along with -f) indicates an filename,
not a format.

So that isn't the letter you want.

> To cover this, job@ suggested to maybe generate bird1-ipv6, bird1-ipv4 and
> bird2 when using -B option. The option currently leads to "bird" file with
> BIRD 1.x support only.

As written today with mkstemp + unveil/pledge, each output format
function can only output one file.  Using one format name to create
multiple outputs is going to require some restructuring.

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