On 2020/05/17 12:02, Claudio Jeker wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 11:51:33AM +0200, Denis Fondras wrote:
> > > This implements a way to add a limit for bgpctl show rib output.
> > > When a limit is set then the output will include a token (at the end)
> > > that can be used to get the next batch of output. These two things allow
> > > to build a frontend that puts the output onto multiple pages.
> > > Both regular output and JSON output include the token.
> > >
> > 
> > I am not comfortable with this. It seems out of the scope of bgpctl.
> > I would prefer to keep it simple / follow the unix way, aka pipe the output 
> > to
> > another tool to paginate the output.
> > In your example you use a temp file, why not work on this file to manage the
> > limit / page display ?
> The idea is to use this for looking glass software. Currently bgplg will
> a) load the bgpd excessivly when 'bgpctl show rib' is requested

This is quite a problem if you have public access to bgplg. It does
feel a bit of a non-unixy approach but it's simple and fits nicely with
the existing infrastructure and how it will actually be used (in
particular it doesn't need a persistent connection to bgpd).

I haven't read the diff thoroughly but I agree with the idea.

> b) the output is too long for the user
> c) if used with JSON the array will blow up some systems because there are
> just too many objects in the output.
> This is a place where unix tools don't work well. You also don't want to
> use head and tail to build a poor man paging system since it will not do a
> fast lookup of the offset but instead walk over the table over and over
> again. Also most of this is for a webservice using the JSON export.

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