On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 12:23:58PM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> On 26/05/20(Tue) 11:30, Ingo Feinerer wrote:
> > video(1) supports reading frames from a webcam via mmap(). To inform the
> > V4L2 device about the number of desired buffers containing the frames to
> > be memory-mapped, a VIDIOC_REQBUFS ioctl call is used.
> > 
> > At the moment the v4l2_requestbuffers struct used for the VIDIOC_REQBUFS 
> > ioctl
> > is only partially initialized which leads to an invalid mmap for my webcam:
> The kernel driver, uvideo(4) or utvfu(4) is responsible for the rest of
> the initialization.

Thanks for the hint. uvideo_reqbufs() is ignoring both struct members
`type` and `memory` so it makes no difference when using video(1) as is.
I wrote a small program that just fetches one frame and can confirm it

However, I have a camera that only supports the MJPEG encoding which
video(1) cannot handle. So I am using libv4l (pkg_add libv4l) which
can convert encodings on the fly:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/v4l2convert.so video

libv4l inspects the `type` and `memory` struct members
and fails if `memory != V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP`.

So the real question is if video(1) should "support" libv4l ...

Best regards,

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