Todd C. Miller <> wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 16:21:14 +0300, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> >
> Note that the poll emulation in xnu was incomplete the last time I
> checked.  Granted, that was 10 years ago so it might be better now,
> but at the time you couldn't poll much more than sockets.  I got
> burned trying to poll tty devices which simply didn't work.  The
> select system call doesn't use kqueue as a backend, though.
> According the the man pages this is still the case:
>      The poll() system call currently does not support devices.

Everytime someone did poll on select, or select on poll, or something
on something, the emulation ended up being dangerously buggy in the
first round.

I hope such emulation isn't a goal in libc.  What happens in the kernel
back side, tho, could do with some simplication.

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