On 10/07/20(Fri) 14:38, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 01:22:40PM +0200, Martin Pieuchot wrote:
> > On 10/07/20(Fri) 14:07, Vitaliy Makkoveev wrote:
> > > We have some races in pppac(4)
> > > 1. malloc(9) can sleep so we must check `sc' presence after malloc(9)
> > 
> > Makes sense.
> > 
> > > 2. we can sleep between `sc' insertion to `sc_entry' list and 
> > > `sc_pipex_iface' initialization. Concurrent pppacioctl() can touch
> > > this incomplete `sc'.
> > 
> > Why not insert the descriptor at the end?  Shouldn't the order of
> > operations be:
> > 
> >     pipex_iface_init();
> >     if_attach();
> > 
> > This way there's no need for a `ready' flag since the descriptor is only
> > added to global data structures once it is completely initialized.
> > 
> > Using a `sc_ready' or `sc_dead' approach is something that require
> > touching all drivers whereas serializing insertions to global data
> > structures can be done at once for all the kernel.
> No, because we introduce the races with if_attach(). The similar races
> are in if_clone_attach(). We can do multiple `ifp' attachment with the
> same name.

Yes that's the same problem.  It is also present in other parts of the
userland/network stack boundary.  That's why I'm arguing that the best
approach is to use a lock and document which data structures it

We should concentrate on protecting access to data structures and not
code paths.

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