On Sat, Sep 19, 2020 at 10:14:55AM +0100, Laurence Tratt wrote:
> I agree that it would simplify the code. The reason that I didn't merge them
> is because I know that sometimes people want to record audio but not video (I
> doubt that many people record video without audio). Now, admittedly, this
> isn't necessarily a super-common use case, so it might not be worth having
> two knobs for it, but it might be worth considering. Personally I'm
> completely comfortable with whatever the general consensus is for
> merging/not-merging!

There are legal reasons for recording video only. Depends on local laws.
I forget the exact details, but Texas laws regarding informing others if
they are being recorded are more permissive than other states as far as
needing to inform. I've only been following this thread lightly, but it
seems relevant to at least throw that information in.

Chris Bennett

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