Apologies for jumping in as a bystander, but if I may comment:

Anton Lindqvist on Tue, Nov 10 2020:
> Been brought up before[1] and rejected[2][3].

Anton Lindqvist on Sun, Jul 02, 2017:
> diff below in which slashes are discarded when comparing the length. I
> don't know if any other character should be discarded as well, if true
> then it might be worth passing the input buffer through ksh's own
> lexer and [...]

The patch then seems to have been rejected for further complicating some
already hairy code and the above does sound rather unsafe.

Michael's aim here appears to be to simplify things:

Michael Forney on Mon, Nov 09, 2020:
> emacs.c:do_complete() using `end - start` for olen (which counts the
> backslashes), but nlen (the longest prefix length) does not. [...]
> I don't believe vi.c:complete_word() has this issue [...]
> [my diff] is longer than I had hoped. Perhaps there is a simpler patch
> to make emacs.c:do_complete() use the same approach as vi completion.

Maybe some iteration is all that is needed.


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