On Mon, Jan 25, 2021 at 03:21:29PM +0100, Alexander Bluhm wrote:
> Hi,
> Some personal thoughts.  I am happy when pf route-to gets simpler.
> Especially I have never understood what this address@interface
> syntax is used for.

even after staring at it for so long, i still don't get it. i do think
it was a reimplementation of an ipfilter thing, but i don't think it
makes a lot of sense in ipfilter either.

> I cannot estimate what configuration is used by our cutomers in
> many installations.  Simple syntax change address@interface ->
> address of next hob should be no problem.  Slight semantic changes
> have to be dealt with.  Current packet flow is complicated and may
> be inspired by old NAT behavior.  As long it becomes more sane and
> easier to understand, we should change it.

route-to $destination, not $next_hop...

the biggest change we have to agree on at the moment is whether we're
changing the semantic of "pf runs when a packet goes over an interface"
to "pf runs when a packet goes in or out of the stack". this affects
whether pf_test runs again when route-to changes the interface.

> But I don't like artificial restrictions.  We don't know all use
> cases.  reply-to and route-to could be used for both in and out
> rules.  I have used them for strange divert-to on bridge setups.
> It should stay that way.

i don't think it's complicated to support route-to and reply-to on both
in and out rules. we've already found that there's use cases for
reply-to on inbound rules, doing things on bridges just adds to that.
it could be used on tpmr(4) too...

> It would be nice to keep state-less route-to.  I have found a special
> case with that in the code of our product.  But it looks like dead
> code, so I would not object to remove state-less route-to for now.

ok. thank you.

> bluhm

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