On 22.4.2021. 13:42, Mark Kettenis wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 13:09:34 +0200
>> From: Alexander Bluhm <alexander.bl...@gmx.net>
>> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 12:33:13PM +0200, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
>>> r620-1# papnpaiancini:cc :p :op
>>> opooolo_llc_ac_caccahhceh_ei_eti_tieetmme_mm__amgamigacigci__cc_hccehhcekcekc::
>>> k :m  bmubmfubfuppflp llc pc pcuup  uf rfferree eel el iilsitss tm tom
>>> omddoidfiiifeifeidde:d ::i ti etietmme m
>>> a  daddardd rd0 r0
>>> xx0fxfffffffffffffddf88d08c0cc0c6c76afc9b3f04500400++01+61 610 6x0
>>> fx0fxffffffffffdffdf88d08
>>> 00020720d72a8c0049703eb!ef!e==!0=x009x59x95995b9ebbaee3ae3ae344ef54f5a4bff7db07990a9
>> Wow.  3 CPUs panic in pool_cache_get() pool_cache_item_magic_check
>> simultaneously.  This makes me think we may have a bug there.
> Note that POOL_DEBUG was disabled until very recently.  That may
> affect both:
> 1. The point at which pool corruption is reported

when i'm sending report i have witness enabled with

> 2. The benchmark results.

benchmark results are without pool_debug although differences are not so
big ..

to send panic without pool_debug and splassert?

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