James Cook writes:

> Hi tech@,
> The below patch removes calls to realpath(3) when looking up a qcow2
> base image. Previous thread:
> https://marc.info/?t=161562496400002&r=1&w=2
> In short, the calls were failing inside vmctl, because of unveil. The
> other thread has alternative solutions but I think this is simplest.
> I included a regression test demonstrating the vmctl bug, in case
> there's interest. I tested vmd manually as described in the other
> thread.
> I also added a check in case dirname(3) fails --- I don't think it
> currently can, but better safe than sorry, I figure. (Noticed by Dave
> in the other thread.)
> - James

mlarkin@ and I got around to reviewing this today. After some
discussion, the decision was to simply remove the usage of unveil in the
vmctl disk creation/conversion commands. I just committed that change,
so it should be in cvs mirrors and snaps soon.

Thanks again for raising the issue and working with me through ideas. In
the end deletion looked like a better than modification :-) (We were
unveiling user supplied inputs...and then unveiling more user supplied
inputs in the form of the base image(s)...not the best usage of unveil.)


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