> Date: Sat, 15 May 2021 11:06:39 +0000
> From: Visa Hankala <v...@hankala.org>
> On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 07:08:39PM -0500, Scott Cheloha wrote:
> > In a separate mail thread, bluhm@ mentioned that panic(9) does not
> > cleanly handle multiple CPUs entering it simultaneously:
> > 
> > https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=161908805925325&w=2
> > 
> > I'm unsure which part of panic(9) is causing the problem he mentions,
> > but one obvious issue I see is that panicstr is not set atomically,
> > so two CPUs entering panic(9) simultaneously may clobber panicbuf.
> > 
> > If we set panicstr atomically only one CPU will write panicbuf.
> I think most of the clobbering is explained by more than one CPU writing
> to the console at the same time. The vsnprintf() and setting of panicstr
> usually happen quickly, so the kind of garbling occasionally seen with
> nearly simultaneous panicking is not likely to arise there. Console I/O,
> on the other hand, can be orders of magnitude slower. That, and the fact
> that mutexes become no-ops once panicstr is set, create a slow phase
> where multiple CPUs can easily be concurrently even if the initial
> timings were not so close after all.
> I feel that panic() should let only the first panicker run the panic
> code and stop any other CPUs, like NetBSD does. Another option is to
> serialize panic() in a more proper way. Or maybe secondary panickers
> should just delay a little at the start of panic()...

The problem with serializing panics is that you increase the risk that
you deadlock and don't see any messages at all...

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