I stumbled upon a weird hotel WiFi which never gets to a fully running
link with iwx0. I see ifconfig is stuck with:

        lladdr xx
        index 1 priority 4 llprio 3
        groups: wlan egress
        media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (HT-MCS11 mode 11n)
        status: no network
        ieee80211: nwid MarlinGuest chan 4 bssid 38:ff:36:23:09:a8 68% wpakey 
wpaprotos wpa2 wpaakms psk wpaciphers ccmp wpagroupcipher tkip

The network is functional as evidenced by the assorted android and
chromeos devices connecting to it.

I start with
$ doas ifconfig iwx0 inet nwid MarlinGuest wpakey <...> debug autoconf

The following gets dumped into dmesg:

iwx0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201" rev 0x00, msix
iwx0: hw rev 0x350, fw ver 48.1335886879.0, address xx
iwx0: firmware has detected regulatory domain 'US' (0x5553)
iwx0: SCAN -> AUTH
iwx0: sending auth to 38:ff:36:23:09:a8 on channel 4 mode 11g
iwx0: authentication timed out for 38:ff:36:23:09:a8
iwx0: AUTH -> SCAN
iwx0: end active scan
iwx0: + 38:ff:36:22:ce:b8    1   +19 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"
iwx0: + 38:ff:36:23:09:ac   52   +39 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"
iwx0: + f8:e7:1e:1b:85:f8    4   +22 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"
iwx0: firmware has detected regulatory domain 'US' (0x5553)
iwx0: SCAN -> AUTH
iwx0: sending auth to 38:ff:36:23:09:ac on channel 52 mode 11a
iwx0: AUTH -> ASSOC
iwx0: sending assoc_req to 38:ff:36:23:09:ac on channel 52 mode 11a
iwx0: ASSOC -> RUN
iwx0: associated with 38:ff:36:23:09:ac ssid "MarlinGuest" channel 52 start MCS 
0 long preamble long slot time HT enabled
iwx0: missed beacon threshold set to 30 beacons, beacon interval is 100 TU
iwx0: received msg 1/4 of the 4-way handshake from 38:ff:36:23:09:ac
iwx0: sending msg 2/4 of the 4-way handshake to 38:ff:36:23:09:ac
iwx0: received msg 3/4 of the 4-way handshake from 38:ff:36:23:09:ac
iwx0: sending msg 4/4 of the 4-way handshake to 38:ff:36:23:09:ac

I never see "iwx0: sending action to" after this.

Now, to send this email I tether to my cell phone which works much better:

iwx0: + 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx    9   +42 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "gnezdo"
iwx0: - 38:ff:36:22:04:b8    9   +16 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"!
iwx0: - 38:ff:36:22:ce:b8    1   +17 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"!
iwx0: - 38:ff:36:23:09:a8    4   +20 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"!
iwx0: - 38:ff:36:23:09:ac   52   +40 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"!
iwx0: - f8:e7:1e:1b:85:f8    4   +23 54M   ess  privacy   rsn  "MarlinGuest"!
iwx0: firmware has detected regulatory domain 'US' (0x5553)
iwx0: SCAN -> AUTH
iwx0: sending auth to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx on channel 9 mode 11g
iwx0: AUTH -> ASSOC
iwx0: sending assoc_req to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx on channel 9 mode 11g
iwx0: ASSOC -> RUN
iwx0: associated with 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx ssid "gnezdo" channel 9 start MCS 0 
short preamble short slot time HT enabled
iwx0: missed beacon threshold set to 30 beacons, beacon interval is 100 TU
iwx0: received msg 1/4 of the 4-way handshake from 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx
iwx0: sending msg 2/4 of the 4-way handshake to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx
iwx0: received msg 3/4 of the 4-way handshake from 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx
iwx0: sending msg 4/4 of the 4-way handshake to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx
iwx0: sending action to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx on channel 9 mode 11n
iwx0: sending action to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx on channel 9 mode 11n
iwx0: sending action to 0a:ab:60:xx:xx:xx on channel 9 mode 11n

Any debugging clues?


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