On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 12:52:26PM +0200, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> On 7.7.2021. 12:46, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> > Panic can be triggered when i have parallel diff and sending traffic
> Different panic on same setup ...

Thanks a lot for the report.

I can see the same stop of traffic and crashes here.  I use iked
instead of isakmpd.  I guess the traffic stop happens at rekeying.

There are the yellow NOEXIT fields when the traffic stops.

When clicking for more details you end here.
After 18 seconds nothing is transmitted anymore.

The crash may also be triggered by rekeying.  But it happens less
often than the traffic stop.  The crash only happens with multiple
forwarding diff.  And it is not triggered by my regular iperf3 -t80
test, it is a bit harder to reproduce.


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