Job Snijders <> wrote:

> A use case could be running rpki-client more frequently than once an
> hour:

I want to say I think running rpki-client so often is misguided for
these rpki-processing-on-the-router configurations.

rpki-processing-on-the-router seems like more a technology demonstration
than performant practical solution.  A rpki-client run is a lot of x509
compute, roughly 5 minutes of full cpu.  After cron has this support, I
suspect you will propose that root's crontab be changed to use the
feature, thus further increasing the compute done directly on a router.
It will do 5 minutes of compute, 15 minutes of pause, and do it all
again.  This will have impact on traffic flow through the OpenBSD
software routing stack.

Surely the on-router approach is only acceptable in very narrow
circumstances, and those situations don't need to be updating RPKI every
20 minutes, as I doubt the internet at large is doing anything close to
20 minute updates.

The normal RPKI use pattern should be offline processing (on a different
dedicated system), then uploaded to a router.

How often RPKI is run should be sensitively scaled to the resources

Are we actually helping people by proposing they use 5 minutes of total
cpu compute, every 20 minutes?  I have serious doubts.

That then begs the question why cron needs this extension for this purpose.
>     @15 -n rpki-client && bgpctl reload
> The above is equivalent to:
>     * * * * * -sn sleep 900 && rpki-client && bgpctl reload

Somewhat the same effect, but I think there are big differences in
behaviour.  The second version creates a process hierarchy which sleeps
for a long time.  I suspect crontab -e causes drastic difference in
behaviour when the job is already running.

I hate the sleep pattern, because you can't see what is happening from a
system perspective (ie. in ps), and if root decides to run rpki-client
or various bgpctl commands by hand, you can get surprising results.

So I agree with getting away from the sleep pattern.  I have never used
it myself, and we should discourage others from using it by providing
something better.

> I borrowed the idea from FreeBSD's cron [1]. A difference between the
> below changeset and the freebsd implementation is that they specify the
> interval in seconds, while the below specifies in minutes.

Why be incompatible?  Better have a strong justification.

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