I never really liked the getopt_long definitions in rsync. Too much magic
and chaos.

This moves the table out of main to gain some more space and to make it a
proper read-only object. Because of this struct opts also needs to become
a global but that is OK.

Clean up the required_argument options that have no short from. Instead of
small numbers use some defines and make the values larger than any char
value (I chose 1000 and up).

Fix --no-motd, it is just a flag setting a value. So just use the
getopt_long() method for doing that.

Sort the options alphabetically with the exception of no-XYZ options which
I added below the XYZ option itself.

IMO the result is better than what was there before.
:wq Claudio

Index: main.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/rsync/main.c,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -p -r1.55 main.c
--- main.c      30 Jun 2021 13:10:04 -0000      1.55
+++ main.c      13 Jul 2021 17:54:13 -0000
@@ -269,61 +269,67 @@ fargs_parse(size_t argc, char *argv[], s
        return f;
+static struct opts      opts;
+#define OP_ADDRESS     1000
+#define OP_PORT                1001
+#define OP_RSYNCPATH   1002
+#define OP_TIMEOUT     1003
+#define OP_VERSION     1004
+const struct option     lopts[] = {
+    { "address",       required_argument, NULL,                OP_ADDRESS },
+    { "archive",       no_argument,    NULL,                   'a' },
+    { "compress",      no_argument,    NULL,                   'z' },
+    { "del",           no_argument,    &opts.del,              1 },
+    { "delete",                no_argument,    &opts.del,              1 },
+    { "devices",       no_argument,    &opts.devices,          1 },
+    { "no-devices",    no_argument,    &opts.devices,          0 },
+    { "dry-run",       no_argument,    &opts.dry_run,          1 },
+    { "group",         no_argument,    &opts.preserve_gids,    1 },
+    { "no-group",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_gids,    0 },
+    { "help",          no_argument,    NULL,                   'h' },
+    { "links",         no_argument,    &opts.preserve_links,   1 },
+    { "no-links",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_links,   0 },
+    { "no-motd",       no_argument,    &opts.no_motd,          1 },
+    { "numeric-ids",   no_argument,    &opts.numeric_ids,      1 },
+    { "owner",         no_argument,    &opts.preserve_uids,    1 },
+    { "no-owner",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_uids,    0 },
+    { "perms",         no_argument,    &opts.preserve_perms,   1 },
+    { "no-perms",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_perms,   0 },
+    { "port",          required_argument, NULL,                OP_PORT },
+    { "recursive",     no_argument,    &opts.recursive,        1 },
+    { "no-recursive",  no_argument,    &opts.recursive,        0 },
+    { "rsh",           required_argument, NULL,                'e' },
+    { "rsync-path",    required_argument, NULL,                OP_RSYNCPATH },
+    { "sender",                no_argument,    &opts.sender,           1 },
+    { "server",                no_argument,    &opts.server,           1 },
+    { "specials",      no_argument,    &opts.specials,         1 },
+    { "no-specials",   no_argument,    &opts.specials,         0 },
+    { "timeout",       required_argument, NULL,                OP_TIMEOUT },
+    { "times",         no_argument,    &opts.preserve_times,   1 },
+    { "no-times",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_times,   0 },
+    { "verbose",       no_argument,    &verbose,               1 },
+    { "no-verbose",    no_argument,    &verbose,               0 },
+    { "version",       no_argument,    NULL,                   OP_VERSION },
+    { NULL,            0,              NULL,                   0 }
 main(int argc, char *argv[])
-       struct opts      opts;
        pid_t            child;
        int              fds[2], sd = -1, rc, c, st, i;
        struct sess       sess;
        struct fargs    *fargs;
        char            **args;
        const char      *errstr;
-       const struct option      lopts[] = {
-               { "port",       required_argument, NULL,                3 },
-               { "rsh",        required_argument, NULL,                'e' },
-               { "rsync-path", required_argument, NULL,                1 },
-               { "sender",     no_argument,    &opts.sender,           1 },
-               { "server",     no_argument,    &opts.server,           1 },
-               { "dry-run",    no_argument,    &opts.dry_run,          1 },
-               { "version",    no_argument,    NULL,                   2 },
-               { "archive",    no_argument,    NULL,                   'a' },
-               { "help",       no_argument,    NULL,                   'h' },
-               { "compress",   no_argument,    NULL,                   'z' },
-               { "del",        no_argument,    &opts.del,              1 },
-               { "delete",     no_argument,    &opts.del,              1 },
-               { "devices",    no_argument,    &opts.devices,          1 },
-               { "no-devices", no_argument,    &opts.devices,          0 },
-               { "group",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_gids,    1 },
-               { "no-group",   no_argument,    &opts.preserve_gids,    0 },
-               { "links",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_links,   1 },
-               { "no-links",   no_argument,    &opts.preserve_links,   0 },
-               { "owner",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_uids,    1 },
-               { "no-owner",   no_argument,    &opts.preserve_uids,    0 },
-               { "perms",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_perms,   1 },
-               { "no-perms",   no_argument,    &opts.preserve_perms,   0 },
-               { "numeric-ids", no_argument,   &opts.numeric_ids,      1 },
-               { "recursive",  no_argument,    &opts.recursive,        1 },
-               { "no-recursive", no_argument,  &opts.recursive,        0 },
-               { "specials",   no_argument,    &opts.specials,         1 },
-               { "no-specials", no_argument,   &opts.specials,         0 },
-               { "timeout",    required_argument, NULL,                5 },
-               { "times",      no_argument,    &opts.preserve_times,   1 },
-               { "no-times",   no_argument,    &opts.preserve_times,   0 },
-               { "verbose",    no_argument,    &verbose,               1 },
-               { "no-verbose", no_argument,    &verbose,               0 },
-               { "address",    required_argument, NULL,                4 },
-               { "no-motd",    no_argument,    NULL,                   6 },
-               { NULL,         0,              NULL,                   0 }};
        /* Global pledge. */
        if (pledge("stdio unix rpath wpath cpath dpath inet fattr chown dns 
getpw proc exec unveil",
            NULL) == -1)
                err(ERR_IPC, "pledge");
-       memset(&opts, 0, sizeof(struct opts));
        while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "Dae:ghlnoprtvxz", lopts, NULL))
            != -1) {
                switch (c) {
@@ -377,28 +383,25 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                case 0:
                        /* Non-NULL flag values (e.g., --sender). */
-               case 1:
-                       opts.rsync_path = optarg;
+               case OP_ADDRESS:
+                       opts.address = optarg;
-               case 2:
-                       fprintf(stderr, "openrsync: protocol version %u\n",
-                           RSYNC_PROTOCOL);
-                       exit(0);
-               case 3:
+               case OP_PORT:
                        opts.port = optarg;
-               case 4:
-                       opts.address = optarg;
+               case OP_RSYNCPATH:
+                       opts.rsync_path = optarg;
-               case 5:
+               case OP_TIMEOUT:
                        poll_timeout = strtonum(optarg, 0, 60*60, &errstr);
                        if (errstr != NULL)
                                errx(ERR_SYNTAX, "timeout is %s: %s",
                                    errstr, optarg);
-               case 6:
-                       opts.no_motd = 1;
-                       break;
+               case OP_VERSION:
+                       fprintf(stderr, "openrsync: protocol version %u\n",
+                           RSYNC_PROTOCOL);
+                       exit(0);
                case 'h':
                        goto usage;

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