On Fri, 29 Oct 2021, Alejandro Colomar (man-pages) via Libc-alpha wrote:

> The broader context is that I was trying to make the deprecation notices more
> consistent in the Linux manpages, by using the [[deprecated]] attribute where
> appropriate.  While doing that, I found a few cases where the
> deprecation/obsoletion is not so clear to me, such as this one
> ([as]ctime[_r](3) is another one, since it is deprecated by POSIX, but not by
> the C standard, but I'll start a different thread with that; and isascii(3) is

See the discussion of deprecation starting with 
<https://sourceware.org/pipermail/libc-alpha/2021-May/126356.html> (C2X 
has also deprecated those functions).  The comments in that thread 
supported marking the functions deprecated, but it needs someone to send a 
patch and I don't know what breakage might result in applications using 
those functions.

Joseph S. Myers

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