On 10.6.2022. 10:37, Hrvoje Popovski wrote:
> while sending traffic from linux to openbsd ix0 with tso

netstat while sending traffic ....

smc24# netstat -sp tcp
        1933441 packets sent
                3923 data packets (684390 bytes)
                0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted
                0 fast retransmitted packets
                1597673 ack-only packets (1735982 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                0 window probe packets
                331809 window update packets
                36 control packets
                0 packets software-checksummed
        3335314 packets received
                1509 acks (for 683936 bytes)
                6 duplicate acks
                0 acks for unsent data
                0 acks for old data
                3309028 packets (24469203295 bytes) received in-sequence
                1 completely duplicate packet (274 bytes)
                0 old duplicate packets
                0 packets with some duplicate data (0 bytes duplicated)
                24600 out-of-order packets (35619352 bytes)
                0 packets (0 bytes) of data after window
                0 window probes
                0 window update packets
                7 packets received after close
                14 discarded for bad checksums
                0 discarded for bad header offset fields
                0 discarded because packet too short
                0 discarded for missing IPsec protection
                0 discarded due to memory shortage
                14 packets software-checksummed
                0 bad/missing md5 checksums
                0 good md5 checksums
        14 connection requests
        10 connection accepts
        24 connections established (including accepts)
        135 connections closed (including 0 drops)
        0 connections drained
        0 embryonic connections dropped
        1280 segments updated rtt (of 1283 attempts)
        1 retransmit timeout
                0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout
        0 persist timeouts
        0 keepalive timeouts
                0 keepalive probes sent
                0 connections dropped by keepalive
        0 correct ACK header predictions
        3308838 correct data packet header predictions
        318 PCB cache misses
        295 dropped due to no socket
        0 ECN connections accepted
                0 ECE packets received
                0 CWR packets received
                0 CE packets received
                0 ECT packets sent
                0 ECE packets sent
                0 CWR packets sent
                        cwr by fastrecovery: 0
                        cwr by timeout: 1
                        cwr by ecn: 0
        3 bad connection attempts
        0 SYN packets dropped due to queue or memory full
        10 SYN cache entries added
                0 hash collisions
                10 completed
                0 aborted (no space to build PCB)
                0 timed out
                0 dropped due to overflow
                0 dropped due to bucket overflow
                0 dropped due to RST
                0 dropped due to ICMP unreachable
        0 SYN,ACKs retransmitted
        0 duplicate SYNs received for entries already in the cache
        0 SYNs dropped (no route or no space)
        1 SYN cache seed with new random
        293 hash bucket array size in current SYN cache
        0 entries in current SYN cache, limit is 10255
        0 longest bucket length in current SYN cache, limit is 105
        99990 uses of current SYN cache left
        0 SACK recovery episodes
                0 segment rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
                0 byte rexmits in SACK recovery episodes
        0 SACK options received
        18763 SACK options sent
        0 SACK options dropped

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