On 2022-06-27 13:32 +02, Martijn van Duren <openbsd+t...@list.imperialat.at> 
> For the group-id I went with 92, which was used by _rtadvd. It's one up
> from _snmpd and has been used previously by _rtadvd, which should make
> it the perfect candidate. According to florian rtadvd never stored
> anything on disk and chances of any lingering rtadvd binary still around
> on a modern install still running approach 0. So I don't see any risks
> there. If someone kept the old user/group around sysmerge should change
> _rtadvd to _agentx, which florian, sthen, and I also don't see an issue
> with.

What I mean was, if they didn't clean up they still have _rtadvd:_rtadvd
which will become _rtadvd:_agentx. Operationally this should not a problem,
nothing is supposed to use that user.

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