On Tue, Aug 09, 2022 at 02:56:54PM +0000, Miod Vallat wrote:
> > Do those machines not have Coprocessor 0?  If they do, why would you
> > prefer glxclk over CP0?
> cop0 only provides one timer, from which both the scheduling clock and
> statclk are derived. glxclk allows two timers to be used, and thus can
> provide a more reliable statclk (see the Torek paper, etc - it is even
> mentioned in the glxclk manual page).

Other platforms (architectures?) (powerpc, powerpc64, arm64, riscv64)
multiplex their singular interrupt clock to schedule both a
fixed-period hardclock and a pseudorandom statclock.

This is the direction I intend to take every platform, mips64
included, after the next release.

In that context, would there be any reason to prefer glxclk to

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