Hi Mark,

Any news? I since setup gdb debugging of OVMF and figured out my EFI RT
issues and it returns data fine now (was wrong calling ABI), but I'm not
making /dev/efi as it sounds like you've done it already. Where are you
at with this? Can I help to move this forward?


On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 07:52:42PM +0300, Sergii Dmytruk wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> > I have done some work on adding support for EFI runtime services on
> > OpenBSD/amd64, based on the code for OpenBSD/arm64.  My plan was to
> > implement an ioctl(2) interface that is compatible with FreeBSD's
> > <sys/efiio.h> interface.  Theo objected to putting EFI-related headers
> > in /usr/include/sys, so the EFI-related headers will probably end up
> > in /usr/include/dev/efi (so you'd be include <dev/efi/efiio.h>
> > instead).
> Great to hear that you went with FreeBSD's API.  It's a natural choice
> for DragonBSD, and NetBSD chose compatible API on AArch64, so it sounds
> like all BSDs will have an almost identical API.  Having header in a
> different location is a minor thing.
> I too was trying to make EFI RT work in [1], it doesn't crash the
> kernel by now, but GetTime() doesn't return proper data either.
> [1]: 
> https://github.com/3mdeb/openbsd-src/compare/esrt...3mdeb:openbsd-src:efi-vars
> > I hope to have some time to make progress on this next week, so let me
> > come back to you then.
> Is the code available anywhere?
> By the way, do you plan to have something like `libefivar` provided as
> part of OpenBSD?
> Cheers,
> Sergii

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