I think your process is difficult because it is backwards.

Probably easier to take the closest openbsd driver, start removing
wrong-device-specific parts from it and put your own device specific
parts into it.

It will difficult to ensure your driver-independent pieces are correct
if you are picking them one by one out of other code.

jon@elytron.openbsd.amsterdam wrote:

> Thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm using ttymalloc but I'm having a
> hard time telling where the terminal has attached to. For context,
> I'm working on adding support for a certain cardbus 3g modem. For
> a while I considered using puc at cardbus but it seems both the
> interrupt handling and the non  standard terminal sequences warrant
> a full separate driver. I wondered if attaching com at this new
> device would make sense, but at the moment I'm taking the linux
> approach of implementing it's own tty code.
> At the moment I can initialize the card and process interrups, just
> need to figure out the tty bits. Here is the freebsd driver I'm
> using as reference (was also work in progress)
> http://web.archive.org/web/20080327050955/http://bsd.vwsoft.com/3g/nozomi/nozomi.c
> also, https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=166127896828617&w=2

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