Theo de Raadt wrote in
 |We will wait for the demo.
 |Leah Rowe <> wrote:
 |> Yeah I was kinda thinking, just have it be a tool to *assist* but not
 |> to automatically pledge the program itself. It wouldn't replace
 |> human-performed auditing or analysis.
 |> You'd run it just to get a basic gist of where you're going, for
 |> different code paths (which are affected by how you use the program).

After having such problems with the linux way of doing things
i thought i write a strace(1) rule to have it easier "later on".
(Ie, "peek the program" a bit.)

I then asked for a generic "when" addition to the strace(1)
tool[1], because of the excessive things the program does in the
setup phase, before it enters the sandbox.  (Without response ;)


But strace is a bit of a help (should be a shell script, and skip
over most of that maybe):

   # test-strace {{{
   test-strace: all
        if [ "$(VAL_OS_SANDBOX)" -ne 0 ]; then echo >&2 this will not do; exit 
1; fi;\
        trap "rm -rf .z .b.rc .r.rc .c.xout .c.out .s.strace .c.strace" EXIT; 
trap "exit 1" INT HUP QUIT TERM;\
        mkdir .z || exit 2;\
        { \
                echo action=DEFER_IF_PERMIT 4.2.0;echo;\
                echo action=DUNNO;echo;\
                echo action=REJECT;echo;\
                echo action=DUNNO;echo;\
                echo action=DUNNO;echo;\
                echo action=REJECT;echo;\
        } > .c.xout || exit 3;\
        echo test.localdomain > .b.rc || exit 4;\
        echo test2.localdomain > .z/a.rc || exit 5;\
        { \
                echo msg-defer DEFER_IF_PERMIT 4.2.0;\
                echo store-path $$pwd/.z; echo block-file $$pwd/.b.rc; echo 
allow-file $$pwd/.z/a.rc;\
                echo verbose; echo verbose; echo count 1; echo delay-min 0;\
        } > .r.rc || exit 6;\

        strace -f -c -U name -o .s.strace ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc 
--startup & [ $$? -eq 0 ] || exit 10;\

^ 1. Server (keeps on going).

        sleep 2;\
        { \
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=xy; echo;\
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=test2.localdomain; echo;\
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=test.localdomain; echo;\
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=xy; echo;\
        } | strace -c -U name -o .c.strace ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc >> 
.c.out || exit 11;\

^ 2. Client.

        sleep 2;\
        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --status || exit 12;\
        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --shutdown || exit 13;\
        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --status && exit 14;\
        echo once >> .r.rc || exit 20;\
        strace -A -f -c -U name -o .s.strace ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc 
--startup & [ $$? -eq 0 ] || exit 21;\

^ More and different client code paths.

        { \
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=xy; echo;\
        echo this should not create result;echo;\
        } | strace -A -c -U name -o .c.strace ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc >> 
.c.out || exit 22;\

^ More client code paths.

        sleep 2;\
        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --status || exit 23;\
        echo 'block xy' >> .r.rc || exit 24;\
        kill -HUP $$(cat $$pwd/.z/"$(VAL_NAME)".pid) || exit 25;\
        sleep 2;\
        kill -USR1 $$(cat $$pwd/.z/"$(VAL_NAME)".pid) || exit 26;\
        sleep 2;\
        kill -USR2 $$(cat $$pwd/.z/"$(VAL_NAME)".pid) || exit 27;\
        sleep 2;\
        { \
        echo recipient=x1@y; echo sender=y@z; echo client_address=; 
echo client_name=xy; echo;\
        } | strace -A -c -U name -o .c.strace ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc >> 
.c.out || exit 28;\

^ Even more client paths.

        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --status || exit 29;\
        ./"$(VAL_NAME)" -R $$pwd/.r.rc --shutdown || exit 30;\
        diff -u .c.xout .c.out; echo diff said $$?;\

And now the fun part: generate system call listing from what we
have, distinct for client and server:

        < .c.strace awk '\
                {if(!hot) next; for(i=1; i <= c; ++i) if(a[i] == $$1) next; 
a[++c] = $$1}\
                END{for(i=1;i<=c;++i) print "a_Y(SYS_" a[i] "),"}\
        ' > .c.txt;\
        echo 'VAL_OS_SANDBOX_CLIENT_RULES="'$$(cat .c.txt)'"';\
        < .s.strace awk '\
                {if(!hot) next; for(i=1; i <= c; ++i) if(a[i] == $$1) next; 
a[++c] = $$1}\
                END{for(i=1;i<=c;++i) print "a_Y(SYS_" a[i] "),"}\
        ' > .s.txt;\
        echo 'VAL_OS_SANDBOX_SERVER_RULES="'$$(cat .s.txt)'"';
   # }}}

This worked in practice (with strace 6.3), but since it covers the
startup phase it is a bit useless.  With a "when" clause it would
be cool(er).  (Having said that i think the Linux seccomp approach
is a lonely programmer's mess.  Ah yes -- and as i tested it only
on x86-64 hardware i can enable the seccomp only there, as other
platforms have other system calls...)

A nice western world weekend everybody.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
|..and in spring, hear David Leonard sing..
|The black bear,          The black bear,
|blithely holds his own   holds himself at leisure
|beating it, up and down  tossing over his ups and downs with pleasure
|Farewell, dear collar bear

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