Marc Deslauriers [2014-12-05  7:46 -0500]:
> Wouldn't it be simpler to maintain two docker packages in the LTS release, one
> that is stable to which security fixes get backported (in the case of trusty, 
> it
> looks like it's currently 1.0.1), and a second one that is always the latest
> version? Is there any value in maintaining a multitude of packages with known
> vulnerabilities in the archive?

I'd prefer limiting the number of parallelly supported versions, too.
I guess the answer depends on whether the next docker version is fully
backwards compatible with existing installs. I. e. if we update
docker-current from 1.4 to 1.5, does that break existing installs? If
so, then this isn't feasible and we need to start a new series. But if
it is compatible I see little reason for keeping the old 1.4 then?

Either way, this is a significant increase in 14.04 maintenance work.
Who is going to commit to that?


Martin Pitt                        |
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