The topic of answering a phone comes up frequently on this forum and with good reason given the diversity of Android itself with so many different models of Android device out there. I'd like to tell you about 1 full-proof method I've found for answering calls and one which may or may not work depending on your phone model. Firstly I would recommend the book "Getting Started With Android" which is filled with many practical tips and instructions and I acknowledge this book has helped me a lot in my Android adventures. Having said that a book can only tell you so much so then its down to the individual user to experiment with their chosen device to see what they themselves can truly get out of it and use the device to its full potential. So to method 1, answering the phone by sswiping with 2 fingers across the screen and yes, this certainly does work though finding the icon on the screen does take some practise and may take some time to fully master. On my Sony xPeria phone the icon is around an inch and a half from the bottom of the screen but I still miss that icon if I'm in a hurry. One trick might be to put some tape on the back of the phone so you can line your finger up quickly with the answer icon. In my case I place a finger on the screen near to where I think the icon is, I know for sure when I move my finger around the bottom of the screen, I feel the Talkback feedback in the form of a vibration telling me that I've found the icon so then I swipe with 2 fingers to the right to answer the call, swiping left rejects it. To end the call I either press the power button or double-tap on the "End Call" icon, the latter method is possibly the best to use as not all phones support the pressing of the power button to end a call. And so to method 2 and this one is very problamatic and only works in certain circumstances, in the case of the Sony xPeria phone I have it only works when the phone has been locked for a while.
Go to call settings and into "Smart Call Handling", from here turn it on.
When the phone rings you should be able to bring the phone to your ear and have the call answer and conversely the call will end when the phone is placed face down onto a table. So there you have it, the two ways I've found to answer my Sony xPeria if you don't have any accessories such as the Java Speak 510 I reviewed on list last week or a headset with an answer button.

"A dog is a good thing to have around a house and so is a fence"


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