------ Forwarded Message
> From: Murray Turoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 21:26:19 -0400
> To: "Turoff, Murray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: ISCRAM 06 NJIT may 14-17
> Third International Meeting on Information Systems for Crisis
> Management and Response, May 14-17 2006 NJIT, Newark NJ
> We have accepted 60 very excellent papers (peer reviewed) for ISCRAM
> and they cover a wide variety of multidisciplinary topics.  I
> encourage you to brows the program list of papers at
> http://www.iscram.org/doc/ISCRAM2006Program.pdf
> We also have three top notch keynoters and a panel on the Katrina
> Experience.  The papers and half the current 130 registrations are
> form outside the United States and 25 of the registrations are Ph.D.
> students working in this area.  Papers on such topics as Information
> Systems or Communication system requirements, early warning systems,
> new satellite applications, personal area networks/sensors for first
> responders, visualization of complex data, interagency communications,
> command and control, etc.
> I am sure you would enjoy the meeting, but even if you cannot make it
> I would appreciate you forwarding this to others you might know who
> might be interested.  I suspect we will hit 250 attendees and have to
> stop registration around that point.  We have allowed a half hour for
> each paper to facilitate questions and discussion.  We also have
> exhibit tables and other sponsorship options.  If you would like a one
> page flyer which more fully describes the keynote speakers let me
> know.
> http://is.njit.edu/turoff

------ End of Forwarded Message


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