Begin forwarded message:

> MingleNow - social networking that mingles online and offlineBy  
> foremski on culture watch
> By Tom Foremski for Silicon Valley Watcher
> I just got an early briefing on an interesting idea for social  
> networking coming out of BlueLithium, the online advertising agency  
> headquartered in San Jose, CA. It's an idea developed in Blue  
> Lithium Labs, the R&D component of the business, to solve some  
> social networking problems of their own.
> "We've earned a reputation for hosting some great parties and we  
> wanted to put some of that experience to work in this venture,"  
> says Dakota Sullivan, chief marketing officer at BlueLithium.
> This is the overview: people register with MingleNow and say where  
> they hang out, which bars, restaurants, clubs, etc. The site will  
> have a very large national database of nearly every social place.  
> Users will also be able to create their own places such as a corner  
> of a college campus, or a camp at Burningman.
> "There will be a page for every place that exists in the real world  
> and you'll be able to see pictures of the people to go to that  
> place," says Mr Sullivan.
> One of the goals/solutions is to figure out where your friends are  
> going to be hanging out, which clubs, parties etc; it will show  
> which places they have committed to going. "That makes it easier to  
> decide where to go when you are planning your weekend," says Mr  
> Sullivan.
> Another aspect of this venture is the belief that the places where  
> people hang out says a lot about their personalities and the things  
> that they like. This makes it easier for people to "mingle" online  
> and offline with like-minded others.
> Also, restaurants and bars and clubs would be able to get feedback  
> on menu changes, for example. And to build communities around their  
> businesses.
> Users would be able to rate those places and also rate each other  
> for flakiness (not turning up at an event when you said you would).  
> And users could compete for "VIP" status by inviting friends and  
> being active in the online/offline community.
> The public beta of MingleNow will be rolled out later in August,  
> nationwide, you can preregister now. And after the US roll out, the  
> United Kingdom is the next target.
> MingleNow already has some investors interested in the venture,  
> which will become a standalone entity. For now, BlueLithium will  
> incubate the project.
> Krishna Subramanian, is the lead developer of MingleNow, he was a  
> former club promoter so has a lot of experience in these social  
> areas. "We will also add a dodgeball type function to mobile  
> platforms so that people can tell their friends where they are  
> located," says Mr Subramanian.
> He adds that there will be RSS feeds available for nearly every  
> data point in MingleNow, allowing users to aggregate the  
> information in many ways.
> SVW's take: It's an interesting approach to social networks and  
> Blue Lithium is taking the right approach by overlaying the online  
> and offline worlds. There are several issues to deal with, such as  
> the private versus pubic nature of the information, the trust  
> aspect of the users with each other, and the gaming that will  
> inevitably occur in the competitive restaurant/bar/club business.
> It is an idea that could be extended to other businesses such as  
> dental offices, even schools, any physical location. It will be  
> interesting to see how groups of users will interact with MingleNow  
> and the direction it takes might not always be the most obvious one.
> Different uses might appear in different geographies. If the  
> MingleNow platform is versatile enough, it will be able to  
> accommodate many different groups of users. I'm looking forward to  
> trying it out.


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