Quantum Wires
POWER TRANSMISSION Wires spun from carbon nanotubes could carry
electricity farther and more efficiently. By Erika Jonietz

Richard Smalley toys with a clear plastic tube that holds a thin, dark
gray fiber. About 15 centimeters long, the fiber comprises billions of
carbon nanotubes, and according to the Rice University chemist, it
represents the first step toward a new type of wire that could
transform the electrical power grid.

Smalley's lab has embarked on a four-year project to create a
prototype of a nanotube-based "quantum wire." Cables made from quantum
wires should conduct much better than copper. The wires' lighter
weight and greater strength would also allow existing towers to carry
fatter cables with a capacity ten times that of the heavy and
inefficient steel-reinforced aluminum cables used in today's aging
power grid.

The goal is to make a wire with so little electrical resistance that
it does not dissipate electricity as heat. Smalley says quantum wires
could perform at least as well as existing superconductors -- without
the need for expensive cooling equipment. The reason: on the nanometer
scale, the weird properties of quantum physics take over, and a wire
can carry current without resistance. But until a couple of years ago,
no one knew whether this amazing property would hold up when nanotubes
were assembled into a macroscopic system. Then Jianping Lu, a
physicist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
calculated that electrons could travel down a wire of perfectly
aligned, overlapping carbon nanotubes with almost no loss of energy.

Smalley's group has already produced 100-meter-long fibers consisting
of well-aligned nanotubes. But the fibers are mixtures of 150
different types of nanotubes, which limits their conductivity. The
best wire would consist of just one kind of nanotube -- ideally the
so-called 5,5-armchair nanotube, named for the arrangement of its
carbon atoms. Existing production techniques generate multiple types
of nanotubes, indiscriminately. But Smalley believes that adding tiny
bits of a single carbon nanotube at the beginning of the process could
catalyze the production of huge numbers of identical nanotubes -- in
essence, "cloning" the original tube.


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