Recently published volume in Government Information Quarterly on Wireless
Broadband (Vol. 23, Issues 3 & 4)

You can access via most academic libraries online.

Wireless broadband, communities, and the shape of things to come • EDITORIAL
Pages 348-358
Sharon Strover and Seung-Hwan Mun

Making IT work for municipalities: Building municipal wireless networks •
Pages 359-380
Andrea Tapia, Carleen Maitland and Matt Stone

Going Wi-Fi in Canada: Municipal and community initiatives • ARTICLE
Pages 381-403
Alison Powell and Leslie Regan Shade

Reconfiguring public Internet access in Austin, TX: Wi-Fi's promise and
broadband divides • ARTICLE
Pages 404-434
Martha Fuentes-Bautista and Nobuya Inagaki

Wireless is changing the policy calculus for municipal broadband • ARTICLE
Pages 435-453
William Lehr, Marvin Sirbu and Sharon Gillett

Analysis of the urban/rural broadband divide in Canada: Using GIS in planning
terrestrial wireless deployment • ARTICLE
Pages 454-479
M. Sawada, Daniel Cossette, Barry Wellar and Tolga Kurt

Evolving wireless access technologies for municipal broadband • ARTICLE
Pages 480-502
Marvin Sirbu, William Lehr and Sharon Gillett

Disorderly infrastructure and the role of government • DISCUSSION
Pages 503-506
Christian Sandvig


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