Wi-Fi will be hitting the road in rentals

By Christopher Elliott 2100-7351_3-6146498.html

Story last modified Tue Jan 02 06:06:40 PST 2007


Try connecting to a high-speed wireless network from a car, and you are pretty much limited to one method: rigging your laptop computer with a special modem and subscribing to a costly, and sometimes temperamental, wireless service.

But Autonet Mobile, a start-up wireless technology company based in San Francisco, is expected to announce this week that it has reached an agreement with Avis Rent A Car System to provide a rolling Wi-Fi hot spot to Avis customers by March. For $10.95 a day, Avis will issue motorists a notebook-size portable device that plugs into a car's power supply and delivers a high-speed Internet connection.

For the moment, the service is intended for business travelers. But Autonet also sees its service appealing to families traveling with their children. Its unit is expected to cost $399, about twice as much as current cellular card technology, plus $49 a month for service.

A mobile Wi-Fi hot spot that lets laptops and personal digital assistants link to the Internet without the benefit of wires represents an important step toward what technology experts call the "connected car."

"This shows us a glimpse of where we will be in the future," said Roger Entner, a wireless telecommunications analyst at Ovum, a consulting firm based in London.

People who use these new Wi-Fi hot spots still must contend with technological limitations, like bandwidth restrictions, too few auxiliary power outlets for all passengers who want to be online at the same time, and battery consumption.

Avis said it planned to make a formal announcement on the technology within a week but declined to comment for this article.

Sterling Pratz, the president and chief executive of Autonet, said the device uses the 3G cellular network and will work in all major metropolitan areas and in about 95 percent of the country.

Pratz said his technology minimized dropped connections but did not eliminate them, and noted that the In-Car-Router had been modified to reduce battery consumption. "In our testing, customers have told us that battery life isn't an issue because people have been able to plug their devices into the car's power supply," he said.

Questions about the legality of operating a vehicle with a Wi-Fi hot spot onboard are also likely to be raised, according to analysts. Thomas Dickerson, the author of "Travel Law" said it would be "easy to see that a technology like this could change the way people drive, because this could take people's attention off the road."

Autonet said the service is for passengers and that Avis will require renters to agree not to hold it liable for accidents resulting from irresponsible use.

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