Published online: 19 January 2007; | doi:10.1038/news070115-13
Crowd researchers make pilgrimage safer
The science of pedestrian motion meets the annual Hajj in Mecca.

Philip Ball

Multiple entry points in the design of the future Jamarat bridge  
should help to reduce crowding even further.

For more images and video, visit Helbing's website
The annual pilgrimage of Muslims to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, known as  
the Hajj, has on occasion been marred by deaths from trampling in the  
huge crowds that gather for the rituals. But scientists studying how  
pedestrians move around think they have made such crowd disasters  
much less likely.

In 2006, 362 people died in the crush that developed in the town of  
Mina, where pilgrims gather to perform a ritual stoning of pillars  
representing the devil as part of the Hajj. This year's ritual, which  
happened in late December and early January, went off without  
incident. Although there have been plenty of other accident-free  
years, this time the reason owes more to sound planning than to luck,  
says Dirk Helbing of the Dresden University of Technology in Germany.  
Hebling and his coworkers used the science of crowd dynamics to  
introduce a raft of new crowd-control measures.

"This Hajj, in contrast to many previous ones, was very safe, without  
any panics or incidents, even though it was expected to be the most  
critical ever and there were about 800,000 more pilgrims than the  
expected 3 million," he says. "This great success was due to a  
completely different organization of pilgrim flows."

Easing congestion

The activity in Mina, about four miles from Mecca, centres on the  
ritual stoning of three pillars known as the jamarat, which draws  
huge crowds. To ease congestion problems, the old pillars have been  
replaced by larger, elliptical ones, and a building called the  
Jamarat Bridge gives pilgrims two tiers of access to the jamarat. But  
as the number of pilgrims has increased steadily over the years, even  
these precautions have not prevented disasters.

Last year, after being consulted by the government on how to improve  
crowd safety, Helbing and his colleagues were allowed to analyse  
video recordings of the crowd at Mina. "The Saudis invested a lot of  
money in putting up cameras to gather data," he says.

Helbing and his co-workers had previously analysed how people move  
past each other in corridors or intersections, and how jams may occur  
when many people try to exit quickly through a single door. These  
effects, which can be mimicked in simple computer models where the  
people are represented as moving particles that repel one another,  
can account for how some tragedies happen when a crowd panics.

But their work on the 2006 Hajj showed a totally new type of  
behaviour, Helbing and colleagues report in a paper on the arXiv  
preprint server1.

Pilgrims directed along one-way routes can follow the flow, avoiding  
dangerous crush points.
As the mêlée thickened, first the throng stopped passing steadily  
onto the bridge and instead moved in waves, so that individuals would  
be repeatedly stopping and starting. But then, as the crowd became  
even denser, it changed to another mode in which clumps of people  
were jostled in all directions, apparently at random and against  
their wish to move steadily towards the jamarat.

"Pilgrims were being pushed around," says Helbing. If they stumbled  
and didn't get back on their feet quickly enough, they were trampled.  
The movements look like those in a fluid when it becomes turbulent,  
which hasn't been seen before in human motion.


Helbing says that there are warning signs for the development of this  
type of behaviour. For a given point on the route, for example, the  
average number of people passing per minute falls below a critical  
threshold up to half an hour before turbulence sets in.

For the 2007 Hajj, Helbing consulted with the Saudi authorities to  
plan a new route and schedule that pilgrims would be compelled to  
follow, rather than meandering at will to the jamarat. "All 1.5  
million registered pilgrims got a timetable and a route in order to  
distribute them uniformly in space and time," says Helbing. In case  
the more-than-a-million unregistered participants confounded this  
plan, they also had the capacity to use real-time data from  
surveillance cameras to alter the schedule, guided by their models of  
crowd behaviour. That capacity wasn't needed this year, but the  
scheme is in place for future.

"The science was very important," says Salim Al Bosta, a civil  
engineer at the Saudi Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs in  
Riyadh, who managed the consultation exercise. "We learnt a lot about  
how to organize the flow from the crowd simulations."

Helbing says that several of the new measures were controversial,  
with some experts worrying it would make things worse. But the scheme  
was a success. An important step was to introduce a one-way system,  
with roads designated only for walkers coming from the stoning back  
to the camp. "Last year you had to push a lot to get to the camp,"  
says Helbing. "This year you could comfortably follow the stream all  
the way. Everyone was very happy." Al Bosta agrees, saying that the  
new organization was "very effective."

Helbing says that most of the critical organizational measures are  
now in place, so that future years should be safer. Moreover, from  
next year on, the Jamarat Bridge will have more floors, easing the  
flow even more. "Now other experts can take over," he says.

He confesses that he was nervous about taking on such a high-risk  
project, where lives were clearly at stake. But in the end he worried  
that the danger of doing nothing was even greater. "Could I feel  
comfortable if people had died and I'd declined to help?" he says.  
"It was a matter of responsibility."


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