On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 06:01:26PM +0100, Sjoerd Simons wrote:
> Hi,
>   Based on all the various discussions earlier on the list, i think (hope) me
>   and Eitan are going in basically the same way. Basically this is a rough
>   (but i think complete sketch) how i'd do this, with a specific Channel Type
>   and a Interface purely geared towards SASL

Ofcourse i found a missed property right after sending this.

>   org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ServerAuthentication

  + Immutable property: AuthenticationInformation, a{sv}

    Dictionary of information given by the CM which can be used by the handler
    for authentication.

    well-known keys:
      username: string, Username to authenticate with if needed
      realm: string, Realm to use for authentication if needed
      session-id: XMPP session id as needed for the legacy jabber digest method.

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