
>You can. I can. Daniel Pocock can. That's 3 of us.
>Now ask yourself - who are we making this software for? For us 3?
>Or for the masses out there, hoping that maybe they will see value
>in using free/open source?
>Without users, any project is effectively dead. So yes, I will struggle
>even for the sake of having few more users.

maybe stop thinking about Telepathy as a stand-alone tool. I think we should 
see free communication as a whole. Telepathy should be part of that and bring 
ideals forward by being a good frontend.

There is no benefit for anyone in pulling users of other messengers over to 

 - Users will be using a product that will always be worse than the original, 
because supporting all of the proprietary stuff is close to impossible and 
undocumented things will keep changing. Things will keep breaking. For Skype, 
it's even worse. There is no way for supporting Skype except RPCing the 
original client - why should someone install original Skype, then go and use 
Telepathy as a frontend? None of this makes any sense, and Telepathy will take 
damage because people believe it supports something, then find out it's crap. 
*People leaving after a bad experience is much worse than people not coming in 
the first place!*

- Developers will have to support stuff they cannot support because there is 
nothing to rely on. Users will be complaining, and devs will answer „I don't 
know, something broke in $protocol“ - users will take that as finger-pointing 
and lose trust in Telepathy and free software in general.

This is not only true for Telepathy. It is true for all projects that strive to 
be a painless drop-in replacement for everyone. Look at Ubuntu - started out as 
a user-friendly Linux Desktop for Windows users, now it is an unusable software 
museum and harder to get running than any recent Debian release.

I see no point in running for market share - if you pay close attention to this 
discussion, it becomes obvious that the only gain for Telepathy would be market 
share among chat clients. That somehow contradicts the ideals of an open 
community. Why do you bother if Pidgin has twice as many users? Who actually 

And it is that kind of competitive thinking that keeps free communication and a 
free network trapped in stone age - if all of us got together and get free-rtc 
backends, frontends *and* marketing up and running instead of arguing about how 
to increase client market share, there would indeed be a realistic chance of 
getting people to use it.

Let's get the message out, bring more clients into good shape for modern XMPP, 
find a sponsor and advertise it just as TPTB do.

Sounds like some childish dream that won't work out? Sure, I pitty you if a 
dream is not a good starting point for you anymore. If you don't try, but wave 
a white flag in front of Facebook Inc. by supporting their stuff as a last 
resort to gain market share, *then* you will soon be lost in irrelevance.

These were my last words in this discussion because I might soon become a PITA 
to some readers - thanks for listening 😼!

PGP-Fingerprint: 3C9D 54A4 7575 C026 FB17 FD26 B79A 3C16 A0C4 F296

Dominik George · Mobil: +49-151-61623918

Teckids e.V. · FrOSCon e.V. · OpenRheinRuhr e.V.
Fellowship of the FSFE · Piratenpartei Deutschland
Opencaching Deutschland e.V. · Debian Contributor

LPIC-3 Linux Enterprise Professional (Security)
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