From: "Randal L. Schwartz" <>
>>>>> "Octavian" == Octavian Râsnita <> writes:

Octavian> What's wrong? To store html in the database or to use TT markers 
Octavian> that html code?  (And it will help me if you'll also tell me why 
Octavian> how can I do it in the recommended way.)

To store HTML in the database.  That's violating the MVC triad,
and you'd better have a *really* good reason to do that.

HTML is a view.
Databases are for models.

I agree with this, and I also don't like it, but I couldn't find a better 

I need to offer a way of creating/modifying the pages that present the 
company, the services by web forms, and those pages contain many paragraphs 
of text, links, headings, lists and tables.

I was also thinking that I could use a wiki-like kind of format, but all the 
wiki formats I could find are either very unflexible or very hard to create. 
For example, the twiki style of creating tables is very clear and simple, 
but very unflexible, while the Mediawiki style of defining tables is more 
flexible, but very hard to do.
(I am blind and the WYSIWYG editors are not an option because they are not 
accessible for the screen readers.)

So that's why I found the HTML format the most flexible and not very hard to 

Please tell me if there is a better way for doing this.



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