Ok, total newbie question.
I want to develop a web site using template toolkit.
No problem so far. 
But.. when I host my site, I need the host to have the template toolkit 
Is this a common feature? 
I know that some services are only available if you get higher end hosting 
I am looking to get super-cheapy basic web hosting, which means I won't be able 
to get a login and install template toolkit myself.
I need it to "just be there".
Again, is this common? How do I find out if it's supported? 
The list of supported services for hosting sites doesn't always list all the 
things that are available, and the help desk people don't usually know what the 
heck I'm talking about.
If it isn't common, are there any sites that are known to support within a 
lowcost, basic hosting package?
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