> I set my template_path and it worked out originally but now I'm wanting the
> site to grow and I tried creating another directory within my template path
> but any html files in that new directory (labeled foo below) don't allow me
> to use template toolkit and I'm not sure why.
> originally:
> sub template_path { '/home8/username/public_html/foo };
> I tried updating this to be:
> sub base_dir_abs { return ['/home8/username/public_html/foo,
> '/home8/username/public_html/foo/foo2/foo3']; }
> This kept the original template path but still isn't working for the new
> dir and I'm retarded and stuck...
> Any help appreciated.

Tell me, how do you reference templates from foo3 from your code? I.e. how 
would you [%INCLUDE %] a template1.tt from foo3 into  foo/some_template.tt ? 

If it is [%INCLUDE foo2/foo3/some_template.tt%] then you are wrong. It should 
be [%INCLUDE some_template.tt%]

I would also check access rights at the 
'/home8/username/public_html/foo/foo2/foo3', does script really can read it?

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