
If you can send me your httpd.conf file, I should be able to fix the installer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Graham [mailto:dale.gra...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 8:06 AM
To: TeraScript-Talk@terascript.com
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Mountain Lion *server* - can't get install to work ..

That is, Apple, as usual with server installs, has done some strange with 
apache file locations, and thus all I see is the XML code for tafs, not the 
action of the tafs themselves.

I did a fresh install of the Terascript server.

Turned the web server off in the OS X Server app.

Ran the Install script for the Terascript server

Restarted the web server

Web server runs, "sees" the taf, displays the XML.

I looked for the terascript.conf file, but only found in in the standard 
apache2 location.

Sent from my "new iPad" aka iPad 3  ;)


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