
At this time TeraScript version 8 is not yet officially announced, so I can’t 
easily point you to a list of features and improvements that are on the 
horizon. What I can say is that version 8 is a serious update to the TeraScript 
platform and will either ship with or lay the foundation for many 
enterprise-class features. These include scalability, performance, 
interoperability, security and other focuses.

Later this year we are going to have an alpha period during which you would be 
able to test your software with version 8. You’ll also be able to provide 
feedback to our development team to help shape the final product.

I can directly answer this question: Will TeraScript 8 provide a platform which 
can be leveraged within Amazon’s EC2 service in a scalable way to power a 
high-volume website?  Yes.


From: Wayne Irvine [mailto:wa...@byteserve.com.au]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:49 PM
To: TeraScript-Talk@terascript.com
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Terascript and the Enterprise

No, not the ship from Star Trek, but that much bandied about term whose only 
mean I can discern is 'big and expensive'.

I was recently commissioned to develop a proof of concept site which is a 
database of short review videos of products and services. Videos are delivered 
by Brightcove, authentication is handled by Janrain, but all the geographic and 
tag searching is handled by Terascript and Filemaker.

Well the site got approval, and budget. But the suggested scope of the project 
is fairly big. Like millions of users. And the term 'Enterprise' keeps floating 

We have decided to host on Amazon AWS for it's resilience and scalability. We 
haven't decided Windows/Linux yet but will probably go the latter. And for 
database we'll probably go for some flavour of SQL.

The real question is what middleware do I use? Do I stick with Terascript (hey, 
I've stuck with it this long) or move to PHP and rewrite everything I have done 
so far? Does Terascript have what it takes? What is it's future?

I would be interested in your thoughts.

Wayne Irvine
w: http://www.byteserve.com.au/
p: +61 2 9960 6099
m: 0409 960 609


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