
Although the documentation does not explicitly say that the name of a method 
can be supplied by a variable, I do know that it was possible to do so using 
the v6 parsing function.

When that parser was reworked for v7, the method name was removed before the 
parameters were parsed and the replacement of variables was moved to the last 
step, from the first. Long story short, the method name does not undergo 
variable replacement in 7.0.1 through 7.0.5.

This will be corrected in 7.0.7.


From: Fogelson, Steve []
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 11:41 AM
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Possible Syntax Problem on my part

I have a <@callmethod> tag that worked fine in TS6.2, but fails in TS7.0.5 with 
this error. I looked through the Notes and didn’t find anything related to 
this. Might have missed it.

[Error] [832] -810 Error getting object's introspection information. Couldn't 
find info for method <@var instance$Rules[<@var method$rulectr>,action<@var 

This is the tag.

<@callmethod object='request$tracking' method='<@var instance$Rules[<@var 
method$rulectr>,action<@var method$actionctr>value]>("<@getparam 
id>","<@getparam title>","<@getparam messagebody>")'>

I displayed the variables and they are as follows:

Method: MarshallTracking
id: 99243
title: Marshall Distributing Order#000451398-000 Attached
messagebody: ***Do not reply to this e-mail. MARSHALL DISTRIBUTING will not 
receive your reply* **

Your order from Marshall Distributing has been shipped. Please find invoice for 
order# 000451398-000 attached. Please use appropriate viewing software.
PO Number: 201407311406809517
Shipment Detail

Thanks for any advice.

Steve Fogelson

Internet Commerce Solutions


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