The command line works by creating a batch script, echo.bat, that contains:

echo %str%

Then you call the external action with: <@APPFILEPATH>echo.bat and environment 
variable str = "stuff"

(that example is for Windows, you'd use OS X file names and commands)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Evans []
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 1:56 PM
Subject: TeraScript-Talk: Can't pass arguments in Command Line action

I seem to be unable to supply command arguments in a Command Line action.

For example:

    /bin/echo "stuff"

raises an error saying the command doesn't exist, whereas:


works without error.

This is happening on TeraScript Server Advanced Mac OS X (32-bit)

Is there something I'm just not aware of that I should be doing, or is this a 
bug/platform issue?



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