All -

We have released 8.0.7.

The installer will install both the Server and TeraScribe products. You
should run the uninstaller first.

Corrected are several bugs in TeraScribe plus a new theme. The theme will
only load if you first delete the preference8.xml file from your user
directory - this won't lose data sources or other settings.

In the next release we're going to ship at least one more theme and make
themes portable and provide theming documentation so you can customize them.

Server notes:

New @HASHPASSWORD and @VERIFYPASSWORD to help with password security.

@ISDATE|NUM|TIME|TIMESTAMP backwards compatible value= attribute support.


@INCLUDE eval=false to include TML without evaluating it.

@WEBCALL can now support client-side and self-signed SSL certificates.

Improved @SORTs SMART behavior

@LIST no longer requires a type

List tags reworked for more intuitive use

Please let us know if you have any trouble.




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