On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 3:03 AM, Linda Li <codingpotatoli...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I want to build the tesseract 3.02.02 project so that I can modify some
> code to tune it to some specific task.
> Version: tesseract 3.02.02
> Ubuntu 12.04, Eclipse Juno
> I put the tesseract into the Eclipse project.
> Include directories
> /usr/local/include
> /usr/local
> /usr/include/leptonica
> and all file directories of the tesseract source, e.g.
> /Tesseract302Test/src/api, etc.
> Library Paths:
> /usr/local/lib
> Libraries
> /lept
> Then I build the project.
> The error pops out:
> ../src/training/classifier_tester.cpp:20:35: fatal error:
> base/commandlineflags.h: No such file or directory
> compilation terminated.
> There is no such commandlineflags.h file.

If you would have a look at source, you could see that commandlineflags.h
is part of conditional inclusion.

How can I solve this problem?

Define identifier USE_STD_NAMESPACE.

I search online a lot and fail to find an example. Most articles focus on
> compile tesseract to a library.
> Thanks a lot in advance.
> This is my first time to post the message on the group tesseract-ocr.
> Actually yesterday I tried to post the same message on tesseract-dev, but
> not succeed.
> If it happens to appear on tesseract-dev at some point of later time,
> sorry for that. I just do not want to wait for too long.
> You need to wait until moderator allows you to post to the list ;-)


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