On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 10:10 PM, eljainc <elja...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> My mistake, It was the 2.0.4 version.
> I am still not sure where these English files should be. I have tried to
> put them into a temp location using
> ocr.Init("o:\\ocrtemp\\","eng",false);

I have also tried to put them in the same folder as the executable (in the
> ..\bin\Debug folder) and still the program crashes.
> If your TESSDATA_PREFIX is O:\ocrtemp\ (as show in your ocr.init), than
language data should in directory O:\ocrtemp\tessdata\ If you run your
application in console you should see error message if you have problem
with language data location.

> Are there any other troubleshooting steps to take? For now, I'm skipping
> the .NET code and running tesseract.exe command line program as a separate
> process.
> On Thursday, November 29, 2012 3:04:44 PM UTC-6, eljainc wrote:
>> Hello, I'm using the TessNet2 (.NET) library version 3.02 and I'm having
>> an issue in running my first ever program with Tesseract OCR.  I have seen
>> others with this problem, but have seen a bona fide
>> solution that addresses this:
>> In my statement:
>> ocr.Init(null, "eng", false);
>> When executing this, the program crashes. No exception error or
>> anything.  I have seen refererences to downloading the 2.0 english library
>> (which is oddly enough called "unknown") after unpacking the .gz file.
>> I have placed this file in the temp file location in the location where the
>> TESSDATA_PREFIX system environment variable points. I have also put it in a
>> predifined location, but that doesn't seem to work.
>> Does anyone have any other remedy for this problem?
>> Thanks
>> Mike
>>  --
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