​Forwarding update by Ray.

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From: theraysmith <notificati...@github.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [tesseract-ocr/tesseract] Tag a new version for LSTM 4.0 (#995)
To: tesseract-ocr/tesseract <tesser...@noreply.github.com>

I'm about ready to update the traineddatas. I have a training run almost
complete, and with accuracy that meets with my satisfaction.
There are a few regressions, but not too serious.
First though, I have to get some code reviewed in Google, and then make
some commits to github to match the new traineddatas.
Before that, there is the matter of a major pull...

Here's what's coming:

- Fix to issue 653: New components in traineddata file for the
unicharset, recoder and version string. Backwards compatible change, so the
LSTM component can still read older files.
- Change in training system. The above change makes open source training
impossible. Will add a new program to build a starter traineddata from a
unicharset and optional word lists.
- New "normalization" code to clean corpus text in all languages. That
was a big part of the work.
- Improvements to the trained networks to improve accuracy on single
characters and single words.
- 2 parallel sets of tessdata. "best" and "fast". "Fast" will exceed the
speed of legacy Tesseract in real time, provided you have the required
parallelism components, and in total CPU only slightly slower for English.
Way faster for most non-latin languages, while being <5% worse than "best"
Only "best" will be retrainable, as "fast" will be integer.

I have other stuff that is still incomplete, but that is a good list for

BTW, in case you hadn't noticed, there was a breaking change that made old
lstmf files unusable. That was needed to fix LSTM for OSD. It has to know
the language of each training sample.
The new traineddatas will mostly be smaller than the older ones, as they
won't contain the legacy components, and no bigram dawgs are needed.


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